Spring is coming. It’s just around the corner. I feel it. Do you feel it, too?
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I’m a fairy from the forests, from the rivers, from the sky, from the trees, from the plants … from every living being. As this is too long to call me by, people usually call me Natalija :)
I’m in the best years of my life … Until recently, I walked the path that many people walk.
But after some difficult trials, I realized that life is much more than just being Natalija. I had an incredible shamanic experience that opened my eyes.
I confronted old assumptions, beliefs and patterns… and I understood how much I already knew and how much I had forgotten in the meantime.
As I faced health issues, I began to rethink what my next step should be. Went to the first ThetaHealing therapy, which then opened my desire to learn and pracitce energy techniques.
I attended several courses and became a Reiki master, teacher and practitioner, first primarily for me. I soon realized how many people need and accept energy healing (either on a physical, spiritual or emotional level). I constantly upgrade my knowledge, so now I practice and teach Usui, Golden, Imara, Money and Kundalini Reiki, and additionally I teach and practice Angel cell healings.
At first I did sessions to people I know and love… to get practice and not ’’make a fool of myself’’ (ego plays a huge part in that … even though Reiki helped ME, my ego was hard to let go that Reiki helps others, too).
Over time, I became more confident in performing therapies. I started practicing Reiki on colleagues, family members, friends, children, animals… in short, anyone who would let me :)
A great desire then led me to the ThetaHealing course, I became a certified ThetaHealing therapist. My learning journey did not end there, and now I also successfully practice and teach Lightkeeper healing. I believe that there is still a lot of knowledge waiting for me to embrace, and I look forward to everything that the future holds for me.
The journey led me to where I am now. I braved the non-conventional, left my normal job and followed my hearth. I want to help as many people as possible and I know I’m not alone.
In other chapters you will find a lot of information about Reiki, ThetaHealing technique, Lightkeeper healing technique, Angel cell healing and other ways to help and heal.
If you’re ever in doubt about what’s right for you and your soul, I’m happy to answer your email :)
Welcome to my energy garden, relax and enjoy all that is and it will ever be :)
May your days be filled with healing vibes and unconditional love,
Spring is coming. It’s just around the corner. I feel it. Do you feel it, too?
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